Nuggets 187 – Driving Electro 4

Loving Future Islands (and here) and the side project of the synth player (Gerrit Welmers) – Moss of Aura, John Maus (also here) and Silk Flowers (and here). NB, the Belinda Butchers have appropriated the name of the singer from My Bloody Valentine, but it’s not her.

Tunes on the way here.

Nuggets 187 - Driving Electro

Nuggets 187 – Driving Electro 4 by Paul on Grooveshark

Moss of Aura Moss Of Aura

  Moss of Aura Moss of Aura


 John Maus - We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves

regret, love, guilt, dreams Cover Art


Islands Cover Art

#chrome-sparks, #com-truise, #future-islands, #future-rock, #glasser, #goldfrapp, #horrid-red, #i-am-robot-and-proud, #john-maus, #john-talabot, #moss-of-aura, #phil-manley, #silk-flowers, #sillk-flowers, #the-bilinda-butchers, #the-townhouses

Nuggets 161 – electro rock & the death of the cd

Nuggets 161 - electro rock web

CD’s are dead. I have lived through the death of records, yep, 7 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch varieties, cassette tapes / DAT / and 8 track cassettes. All gone or going. Music has cast off all physical constraints and leaked out into the ether. Its in the cloud(s) now.

I present the impossible mix. Impossible, why? Why because its 97 minutes and 2 seconds long. 15 minutes too long to burn to a CD. I have been making all these mixes CD length. It’s a good discipline as it forces me to cut out the duds, the tracks that are only so so. I cheat sometimes, I cut off the ends of songs, I cross fade. But come 81 minutes and 30 seconds most CDR’s give up the ghost, you get a ‘bad burn’, a disk that probably won’t play in a CD player.

No more!

#austra, #baths, #bruce-springsteen, #computer-magic, #fiveng, #funland-superquest, #happy-birthday, #james-pants, #john-maus, #luminary-youth, #maria-minerva, #metronomy, #museum-of-bellas-artes, #poitier, #spirit-spine, #starfucker, #sun-airway, #the-radio-dept, #young-galaxy