Nuggets 258 – Driving Electro 11

Nuggets 258 - Driving Electro 11

Apparently Beck has a large collection of synthesisers. In an interview he said that he was fascinated by the different tones they make. I’m no muso, but I am intrigued by how the synth sound has changed over the years. This mix has synth tunes from 1981 onwards. See if you can pick the old from the new.

There’s a few tracks missing, I will fix that later.

If you don’t see a playable playlist below, try the following link to Grooveshark. The playlist should look good on a mobile phone. Feedback appreciated…!/playlist/Nuggets+258+Drivin+11/90220608

#broadcast, #chevalier-avant-garde, #classix-nouveaux, #com-truise, #horrid-red, #jesse-ruins, #kraftwerk, #lord-boyd, #lust-for-youth, #orchestral-manoeuvres-in-the-dark, #pink-skull, #robot-science, #simian-mobile-disco, #soft-metals, #teen-daze, #the-associates, #the-bugggles, #the-kvb, #the-normal, #trio, #vatican-shadow, #xander-harris, #ymo

Nuggets 223 – Driving Electro 7

Nuggets 223 - Driving Electro web

Nuggets 223 – Driving Electro by Paul on Grooveshark

My mum had a dark green Triumph Herald. 1100 cc of raw power. It drove like a go cart, great fun.

All good tracks but I particularly like the Steve Hauschildt track from his 2011 album, Tragedy & Geometry. Uplifting and mysterious. He’s on Kranky

#alex-winston, #broadcast, #eternal-summers, #ex-vivian, #fear-of-men, #future-islands, #matthew-dear, #millionyoung, #moss-of-aura, #motorama, #palms-on-fire, #peaking-lights, #shit-robot, #starfucker, #steve-hauschildt, #teen-daze