Nuggets 258 – Driving Electro 11

Nuggets 258 - Driving Electro 11

Apparently Beck has a large collection of synthesisers. In an interview he said that he was fascinated by the different tones they make. I’m no muso, but I am intrigued by how the synth sound has changed over the years. This mix has synth tunes from 1981 onwards. See if you can pick the old from the new.

There’s a few tracks missing, I will fix that later.

If you don’t see a playable playlist below, try the following link to Grooveshark. The playlist should look good on a mobile phone. Feedback appreciated…!/playlist/Nuggets+258+Drivin+11/90220608

Nuggets 202- Driving Electro (Bass)

Liubov Popova Spatial Force Construction (1920-21).

Chunky, beaty and bassy – yeah, work that subwoofer.

Pic by Liubov Popova – Spatial Force Construction (1920-21).

Featuring Com Truise (and here), Future Islands, Soft KillLow Life (from an unreleased demo), Chevalier Avant Garde and others…

Music to come.

Nuggets 202 – Driving Electro (bass) by Paul on Grooveshark

Lowlife - The Black Sessions and Demos Uhh Uhh - EP Com Truise - Fairlight - Single Youth Lagoon - The Year Of Hibernation Sin Destino Food Pyramid - IIFuture Islands Chevalier Avant Garde


Future Islands from Splice Today on Vimeo.

soft kill com truise  Jan Hammer - Cocaine Cowboys  Chromatics - Night Drive Computer Magic Jan Hammer - The Complete Collection