Nuggets 272 – Don't Do Drugs

Nuggets 272 - Dont Do Drugs

Pee Wee tells it as it is.

White Denim

Hush Arbors

Strange Boys

Jason Isbell

Royal Headache

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4280316767 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=3709710475]


Julian Cope

Megaphonic Thrift

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4067261321 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2261006645]

Neon Indian

Jef Barbara

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=820184054 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

Chrome Sparks

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1546934218 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=649654875]

Laid Back

Hello Image

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2293673884 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=319773823]

Nuggets 271 – Chug Chug 8

Nuggets 271 - chug chug 8

A summer chug chug mix. Day Ravies played the other day in town. Far too late for me.

A playable playlist should magically appear below. If no magic, try the following link.

Nuggets 271– Chug Chug by Paul on Grooveshark

Gap Dream – Feast of the First Morning @ BURGERSTOCK #1 3/15/12. Trailer Space Records – Austin, TX. from Corey Gorgeous on Vimeo