Nuggets 243 – Covers VII

Nuggets 243 - covers VII

Happy New Year one and all. Here is a mix I made for some friends. Feel free to sing along.

Playable playlist below, or try this hyperlink.


Nuggets 243 – covers VII by Paul on Grooveshark

Jamey Johnson – Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad (orig. Meatloaf)

Jamey Johnson Two out of three ain't bad

Amy MacDonald – Dancing in the Dark (orig. Bruce Springsteen)

More Than This – Lucy Kaplansky (orig. Bryan Ferry)

More Than This - Lucy Kaplansky

Chromatics – Into the Black (orig. Neil Young)

Museum of Bellas Artes – Who Do You Love (orig. Elvis Presley )

Museum of Bellas Artes - Who do you love

Nouvelle Vague – Blister in the Sun (orig. Violent Femmes )
[OSS 5.1] Nouvelle Vague - Blister in the Sun
Dum Dum Girls – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out (orig. The Smiths)

Go Bambi!

Dum Dum Girls - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out(live at The Kings Arms)

Lemonheads – Different Drum (orig. Linda Ronstadt)

LEMONHEADS 'Different Drum' live (full band) 1991

Chromatics – I’m On Fire (orig. Bruce Springsteen)

Garbage – Thirteen (orig. Big Star)

Jolly Boys – Perfect Day (orig. Lou Reed)

#amy-mcdonald, #ant, #butcher-the-bar, #calexico, #camera-obscura, #chromatics, #dum-dum-girls, #garbage, #grant-lee-buffalo, #harvey-girls, #jamey-johnson, #last-names, #lucy-kaplansky, #museum-of-bellas-artes, #nouvelle-vague, #pure-bathing-culture, #sia, #the-allegras, #the-jolly-boys, #the-lemonheads, #vivian-girls, #weve-got-a-fuzzbox-and-were-gonna-use-it

Nuggets 161 – electro rock & the death of the cd

Nuggets 161 - electro rock web

CD’s are dead. I have lived through the death of records, yep, 7 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch varieties, cassette tapes / DAT / and 8 track cassettes. All gone or going. Music has cast off all physical constraints and leaked out into the ether. Its in the cloud(s) now.

I present the impossible mix. Impossible, why? Why because its 97 minutes and 2 seconds long. 15 minutes too long to burn to a CD. I have been making all these mixes CD length. It’s a good discipline as it forces me to cut out the duds, the tracks that are only so so. I cheat sometimes, I cut off the ends of songs, I cross fade. But come 81 minutes and 30 seconds most CDR’s give up the ghost, you get a ‘bad burn’, a disk that probably won’t play in a CD player.

No more!

#austra, #baths, #bruce-springsteen, #computer-magic, #fiveng, #funland-superquest, #happy-birthday, #james-pants, #john-maus, #luminary-youth, #maria-minerva, #metronomy, #museum-of-bellas-artes, #poitier, #spirit-spine, #starfucker, #sun-airway, #the-radio-dept, #young-galaxy