Nuggets 217 – LoFi & Jangly

Nuggets 217 - LoFi and Jangly


This is one of my favourite mixes, and now it can be yours too. I particularly like the last Silo Halo track, a girl / boy duet with spidery jangly guitars over the top, and the two tracks from Browns.

Lucy from Tashaki Miyaki is on the cover. They were v. good at SXSW.

The playlist below is still missing a few tracks…


Nuggets 217 – Jangly by Paul on Grooveshark

King Khan and BBQ Show: "Invisible Girl" King Khan Music

Cloud Nothings Hey Cool Kid Live at Club Dada 3.19.11

Eternal Summers - You Kill + Good As You | Newtown Radio | Swan 7 Studio

#big-star, #black-tambourine, #boys, #browns, #cloud-nothings, #deep-shit, #eternal-summers, #grmln, #half-string, #harlem, #ranch-ghost, #silo-halo, #spectrals, #tashaki-miyaki, #teenage-fanclub, #that-ghost, #the-black-tambourines, #the-king-khan-bbq-show, #the-octogon, #the-pastels, #virals, #wild-nothing

Nuggets 212 – Louder

Nuggets 212 - Louder

Louder than what you may ask. Well, louder than most recent mixes.  th’ faith healers (more here) feature from a bruising Peel session released in 2005 but probably first aired on 24/11/1991. Don’t you love that 90’s sound?

Peel session

Toy are a young band from England (London?) with krautrock sensibilities (and thin legs).


If you can wait till 10 September you can buy their album.

TOY - album trailer

Nuggets 212 Loud by Paul on Grooveshark


Ty Segall Band - "WAVE GOODBYE" live at The Independent, SF 5/3/12

The TV Torso album is great, and you can get it here paying whatever you think they deserve…

Ditto the fab Black Tambourines

#bass-drum-of-death, #diehard, #eternal-summers, #jeff-the-brotherhood, #knight-school, #spook-house, #swirlies, #th-faith-healers, #the-black-tambourines, #the-men, #toy, #tv-torso, #ty-segall