Yeah, its winter (almost). Bloody heat, I am glad it’s getting cooler at last. You just can’t in good conscience lie in bed and listen to music when the suns up. Give me a cold blustery Sunday any day. I have been studiously working my way through reggae (Studio One, Trojan and miscellaneous Rock Steady compilations)
and old school soul and blues songs (Ann Peebles, Irma Thomas, Eddie Hinton, various Chess & Stax artists) to finish off some mixes I have on the go. All terribly worthy, and it’s easy to get off track. For instance, I found myself putting songs by 1960’s girl groups in the soul mix (The Shagri-Las, Jackie DeShannon, and the fabulous Tammys). Great fun, but can be annoying after several listens.
E is on a break from varsity, and she has been working through Monroe’s films, well at least Wilder’s Some Like It Hot, and How to Marry a Millionaire. Marilyn sings in Some Like it Hot, and I thought of the syrupy sweet tunes that I do so love. So, instead of finishing off the reggae and soul mixes, here is a mix based on sweet voices. Includes some shoe’gazy tunes.
Visit the Ukelele porn site to find out more about what Marilyn Monroe was up to…
I have 3 or 4 mixes nearly ready, a Troubadours one, a sci-fi electronica tribute to Uri Gagarin, a Country + Western one and a guitar driven lo-fi mix. I may even finish off the reggae and blues ones, so call back soon.
Meanwhile, back in the 60’s
#allo-darlin, #anna-ternheim, #chalk-and-numbers, #charades, #club-8, #coma-cinema, #dolly-parton, #eux-autres, #foxes-in-fiction, #high-highs, #le-gros-ballon, #little-joy, #love-inks, #puro-instinct, #rachel-goswell, #reading-rainbow, #school-of-seven-bells, #sharon-van-etten, #signed-papercuts, #stereolab, #the-revolving-paint-dream, #tommy-toussaint, #wild-nothing