Nuggets 252 – Psych

Nuggets 252 - Pysch

This is Sky Saxon from The Seeds. Ya gotta love the bead chandelier in his car.

Psychic Ills play Red Eyed Fly below, a great Austin bar.

Bettie Page dances to the Seeds

#bran, #dark-meat, #monotonix, #neil-merryweather, #parasites-of-the-western-world, #psychic-ills, #purling-hiss, #rose-windows, #sri-aurobindo, #the-13th-floor-elevators, #the-black-angels, #the-dutch-rhythm-steel-show-band, #the-seeds, #white-denim, #white-fence, #woodsman

Nuggets 185 – Psychedelic

God I miss records (music to follow)

Nuggets 185 - Psychedelic web


 Witch - Lazy Bones CHRISSY ZEBBY TEMBO, My Ancestors

  Ify Jerry Crusade - Nigeria 70 - Lagos Jump Raised By Tigers - Reunion Parts

 Trance Farmers - SCOOBY DOOBIE Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost

 Megafaun Eternal Tapestry - The Invisible Landscape

 Country Mice - Daytrotter Studio Simply Saucer - Cyborgs Revisited

 Incan Abraham - Adult World EP Straitjacket Fits - Life in One Chord - Sparkle That Shines

 Magic Lantern - PLATOON Thee Oh Sees - Carrion Crawler -The Dream

 Screaming Females - Singles - I Do Monotonix - Not Yet

Hurling Hiss - Walking Down that Street The Psychedelic Aliens - Psycho African Beat

#chrissy-zebby-tembo, #country-mice, #eternal-tapestry, #girls, #ify-jerry-crusade, #incan-abraham, #magic-lantern, #megafaun, #monotonix, #platoon, #purling-hiss, #raised-by-tigers, #screaming-females, #simply-saucer, #straitjacket-fits, #the-psychedelic-aliens, #the-witch, #thee-oh-sees, #trance-farmers