Nuggets 248 – Post Mod

Nuggets 248 - Postmodern

Post Modern. Out with 3 minute pop, let’s try some longer tunes. The Cmn ineed yr track is excellent.

65daysofstatic are offering their back catalogue for $100.  Tempted.

I  am sure there is a link between the difficulties that prog rockers have in attracting female followers, the absence of female singers and the use of taped vocals. I recall an interview in the recent BBC doco about prog rock where a prog rock band lamented their lack of female fans. I can’t find it now and I am sure its on this blog! When I track it down I will post it.

I not sure where the practice of havingbandnameswithoutspaces came from.

If no playable tracklist appears below, you know what to do.!/playlist/Nuggets+248+Post+Mod/95527098
<img decoding="async" src="" class="mceItemMedia mceItemFlash" width="640" height="300" data-mce-json="{'video':{},'params':{'wmode':'window','allowScriptAccess':'always','flashvars':'','src':''},'name':null,'object_html':'Nuggets 248 post mod by Paul on Grooveshark‘,’hspace’:null,’vspace’:null,’align’:null,’bgcolor’:null}” alt=””>

Desolation Wilderness - "Come Over in Your Silver Car"
The Black Angels - Evil Things (Live on KEXP)

Toy - Fall Out Of Love (Live @ The Social, London, 21/12/13)
From Monument To Masses Live@Shibuya Club Quatrro / An Ounce of Prevention
Maybeshewill - live 20. October 2012 Frankfurt, Zoom Club (full show) - 2cam

#65daysofstatic, #black-angels, #cmn-ineed-yr-hlp, #crown-larks, #dark, #desolation-wilderness, #from-monument-to-masses, #hausu, #magik-markers, #maybeshewill, #peace, #toy

Nuggets 226a – Thrashy

Nuggets 226a - thrashy


Live thrash is good. Until someone thrashy comes to town worth hearing  (T54 ?) this mix will have to do.

The Thermal’s new album continues their old testament crime and punishment theme.  Katie Crutchfield from P.S Eliott shows why screaming in tune is so rewarding, and F***ed Up show us just how much breath you need to sing in a hard core punk band (though eclipsed by Jon Chang of Hayaino Daisuki who has an extraordinary ability to keep the screaming going).

I am really enjoying the Milk Music album (at long last), the latest from The Thermals and GRMLN.

Videos below, including, if I can get my act together, my lame effort from SXSW 2012 showing me heading into the Twilight Sad after eating too many burritos, crashing The Guards and catching a ride on a pedicab (a bike taxi) to see Built to Spill. Crank up the quality and enjoy it in hi-res.

PS, I applaud the photographer who persevered and filmed the F***ed Up clip below amid total chaos, bravo. This band I must see live.


SXSW 2012 Thrashy Edited

#a-place-to-bury-strangers, #black-rebel-motorcycle-club, #catholic-spray, #dinosaur-jnr, #elks, #fucked-up, #grmln, #hausu, #hayaino-daisuki, #mikal-cronin, #milk-music, #negative-pegasus, #off-with-their-heads, #p-s-eliot, #presley, #salad-boys, #screaming-females, #the-thermals, #the-twilight-sad, #tony-molina, #wild-moth