Kevin Shields, Colm Ó CÃosóig, Bilinda Butcher and Debbie Googe aka My Bloody Valentine have released an album after a 22 year lull. Some good tracks. While they have been away others have followed the shoegaze trail. Here is a selection.
If a playable playlist below doesn’t show up, try this link instead.
Flying used to be more fun. No worrying about whether your shampoo was in a 100 ml bottle and whether there was a pocket knife lost in the bottom of your bag and I am sure there was more room.
Anywayz, here is a morning mix for my travelling pleasure.
The Y Niwl are a fab surf guitar band from Wales, I have included live sessions from Laneways’ best, Yuck, Girls and Cult and some old blues and soul. 2 of the bluesy tracks are by Jamaican artists – Bread and the Mustangs.
Two covers, Emily Reo with a dreamy Neil Young cover, Damien Jurado & Richard Swift from their covers release Other People’s Songs Vol. 1– with a Chubby Checker song.
First up Merlin Monroe with an excellent guitar piece – sex.