Strange title, long story.
I was sorting through my Itunes music collection the other day (yes, it was raining outside) when I noticed how many songs had the word “baby” in the title; there were about 600 tracks. Great I thought, lets make some playlists. I sorted them into more contemplative tunes, psych 70’s numbers, thrashier tunes and so on.
It has been interesting checking out tunes familiar and unknown, a deep dive into what I have saved over the years.
Here is the first playlist which contains mildly thrashy numbers. All fab of course. If I had to pick a favourite, it would be “Why Not Your Baby” by Gene Clark / Doug Dillard.
Happy New Year.
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[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1145492032 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3766520983 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2492427809]
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4268123099 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=92741163]