Nuggets 273 – Zippers Down 6

Nuggets 273 - Zippers down 6 cover

The perfect road trip mix.

A playable playlist follows, or follow this link –

Nuggets 273 – Zippers down 6 by Paul on Grooveshark

When time allows I will post some links and videos.

In the meantime, read more about Pure X here, buy the album here, or just wonder at their loveliness below.

Pure X

#bob-lind, #conquering-sun, #first-aid-kit, #fletcher-c-johnson, #geri-x, #gord-downie, #harry-nilsson, #howlin-wolf, #huey-piano-smith, #ike-tina-turner, #jack-kittel, #jim-sullivan, #lee-dorsey, #lee-hazlewood, #link-wray, #major-lazer, #natural-child, #palma-violets, #roger-miller, #the-compulsive-gamblers, #the-kinks, #the-mamas-the-papas, #the-sadies, #thee-oh-sees, #white-fence, #woods

Nuggets 260 – Zippers Down 4

Nuggets 260 - Zippers Down

This is a picture taken at the Kansas State Fair sometime in the 1950’s.

This is a graunchy mix that is best played loud.

Mike, have a listen to the Family Plann track.

Happy birthday Danny.

Not all the songs are up yet; Grooveshark is not co-operating.

A playable playlist follows, or click on through to listen online.



#arthur-alexander, #chit-chat, #cool-ghouls, #dee-dee-warwick, #eisley, #family-plann, #fourth-of-july, #king-khan, #king-khan-the-shrines, #marcello-giombini, #mazes, #royal-headache, #sic-alps, #spook-houses, #the-brian-jonestown-massacre, #the-cramps, #the-emperors, #the-graham-bond-organisation, #the-kinks, #the-non-travellin-band, #the-seeds, #the-standing-8-counts, #the-strange-boys, #the-thermals