Nuggets 264 – Driving Electro 12 – Voices

Nuggets 264 - Driving Electro 12

Looking forward to Future Islands at Laneways. I would prefer to see them at a smaller venue.

A playable list of tunes should appear below, failing which try this link…

Nuggets 264 – Driving voices by Paul on Grooveshark

The Radio Dept

Lust for Youth

Harald Grosskopf

Com Truise

Milky Sway and Candy Starlight

Digits Digits – Eight Long Years from Silent Shout on Vimeo.

Porcelain Raft

Future Islands

Harald Grosskopf

Deutsche Wertarbeit Thumb_325_dw_small_promo (pray here and the record may be reprinted)



Mike Simonetti mike simonetti web Italians do it better svengali. Lots of his mixes here.