Nuggets 242 – Chug chug 5

Nuggets 242 - chug chug 5

Nuggets 242 – Chug 5 by Paul on Grooveshark

‘Tis the night before Laneways. I am looking forward to seeing Tame Impala, Real Estate, A Place To Bury Strangers, Japandroids and Cloud Nothings. I am also hoping to hear some of the lesser known local bands at the start of the day. I have enjoyed the couple of songs I have heard from the Eversons,

Pissed off I didn’t make it to the Woods gig last week. They played mid week in the shittiest venue in town. Bugger.

Meantime, here is what I have listening to recently. Will pop up a playable playlist soon.

I have been really enjoying new releases by The Babies following on from the live sets I put up earlier,  the alt-country sound of Beachwood Sparks and tracks from Childhood.

Nuggets 216 – Chug Chug 2

Nuggets 216 - Chug chug 2

Brother B is in town. He is heading out on a road trip. Here’s your soundtrack brother.

There is some Caveman in this mix, but not this song. Its bloody beautiful.


<< music up soon>>

Nuggets 216 chug chug 2 by Paul on Grooveshark