Nuggets 237 – Morning 11

Nuggets 237 - Morning Voices 11

Nuggets 237 – Morning 11 by Paul on Grooveshark

Morning voices number 11, fancy that. I thought I listened to more grungy lo-fi than anything else, but these playlists give lie to that thought. Cate Le Bon has an excellent Nico’esque voice. She’s gonna be huge. Not all tracks up yet, soon.


Nuggets 242 – Chug chug 5

Nuggets 242 - chug chug 5

Nuggets 242 – Chug 5 by Paul on Grooveshark

‘Tis the night before Laneways. I am looking forward to seeing Tame Impala, Real Estate, A Place To Bury Strangers, Japandroids and Cloud Nothings. I am also hoping to hear some of the lesser known local bands at the start of the day. I have enjoyed the couple of songs I have heard from the Eversons,

Pissed off I didn’t make it to the Woods gig last week. They played mid week in the shittiest venue in town. Bugger.

Meantime, here is what I have listening to recently. Will pop up a playable playlist soon.

I have been really enjoying new releases by The Babies following on from the live sets I put up earlier,  the alt-country sound of Beachwood Sparks and tracks from Childhood.