Nuggets 246 – Driving Electro 9 – Fast

Nuggets 246 - Driving Electro 9
This mix is inspired by the recent Italians Do It Better mix, After Dark 2. It’s got a cool European electro sound with excellent female vocals and disco’y beats. I added some tunes of my own to a selection of the After Dark 2 tunes.

There are 4 tracks here from AD2 along with tracks from Psychic Ills (think Moon Duo but better), Jesse Ruins, Daughn Gibson and the wonderfully named Emergency Bible Study with their song “Robbert Zimmerman Practices Guitar in Front of the Mirror”, and others

This mix is a current favourite when on the road.

Not all the tracks are up yet. When I have time I will add some more videos.

I just found out that Anika is playing in Auckland on Friday 11 October. Yeah

Nuggets 245 – Justified

Nuggets 245 - Justified

A few months back I went through a ‘Justified’ phase. I watched all 4 series of this modern take on a western. While the lead actor – Timothy Olyphant  – is a bit bland, the show is well written and has excellent character actors. I particularly enjoy Walton Goggins who plays the charismatic villain Boyd Crowder.

If you haven’t caught up with the show it has a familiar plot; small town kid makes good in the big city and is then sent back to his hometown. In Justified home is Harlan Kentucky and the small town boy done good is Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens. Givens deals with villains who are usually his former school mates.

Flush with enthusiasm I put together this mix. In my mind’s eye the songs relate to characters with the theme song being track one. I did consider editing down a video with the characters and scenes that I was thinking of, but it didn’t happen. I have moved on and I am now fascinated by Äkta människor, a stylish Swedish Sci-fi about robots living among humans. Yep, short attention span.

Anywayz, I ended up with a most enjoyable mix. I will add some videos for the songs later.