Nuggets 169 – After Dark

Nuggets 169 - After Dark


Mellow mixes rule.

Lotta Love Nicolette Larson
Lambchop Grumpus à la Cité de la Musique, Paris 2013
Courtney Barnett - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Jacco Gardner - Chameleon
Dom Kelly// - Young Man (Official Video)

Muscle Shoals Sessions - Candi Staton - He Called Me Baby
Françoise Hardy - Voila (1967)

#al-kooper, #barbara-lynn, #bobby-blue-bland, #candi-staton, #casiotone-for-the-painfully-alone, #chewingum, #clyde-stacy, #courtney-barnett, #dom-kelly, #etta-james, #foxygen, #francoise-hardy, #jacco-gardner, #lambchop, #nicolette-larsen, #piyama-party, #shuggie-otis, #swirlies, #the-mardi-grass, #the-relict, #white-fence

Nuggets 165 – Girls in Love

All tracks accounted for but can’t get grooveshark to insert the Laura Nyro version of the last track. Insteady of a lusty finale we have Peter Paul and Mary a soul / bluesy version. Hmmm. Will work on this.  Here at last, Laura with a blast from 1966. No good, lets try Amazon. Bugger, nonly shows an extract, At last, the real thing! Oh no, its MIA again. Annnnnd its back.

#acid-house-kings, #anika, #april-march, #austra, #california-snow-story, #cassis-orange, #con-dolore, #laura-nyro, #love-inks, #minks, #neverever, #nina-nielsen, #onra, #peaking-lights, #seapony, #sourpatch, #stereolab, #the-liminanas, #the-relict, #tristen